Meet J+J

Hey there! We’re so glad you found us! My name is Julia Waldo, and I was born and raised in Monroe, GA. This is my dog June, named after the iconic June Carter Cash of course. After going to my first yoga class with my grandmother around the age of 15, a fire had started inside of me. I had never felt so clear in my mind and found a sense of true peace from this practice. I have always had a very outgoing personality and wild imagination and finding true silence and peace was something I always found very difficult. Through yoga I was able to still my heart and make more room for the Lord to be able to speak to me. This passion created a new lifestyle for me which allowed me to not only become physically stronger, but also mentally and spiritually stronger. Through pilates I was able to find the perfect balance of peace and adrenaline which reflected my entire personality through a singular workout. Through lots of prayer and patience this dream was born, and it was the cherry on top that June somehow always managed to do a downward dog on my yoga mat every time I brought it out. I hope that through this practice if it brings you nothing else, you will find love here and appreciation for where the Lord has brought you thus far. Thank you for being a part of this journey with us! We can’t wait to move with you!